Who is John Wann?

I work in the University sector as a Professor of Psychology. My first degree was in Sports Science and I have worked in Sports Science Departments at UQ and UWA in Australia. Outside of my professional occupation​ I have coach cycling as a group activity for 12-17yrs olds and I also coach aspiring individual riders as a British Cycling Level 3 coach. There is spill-over from my professional life into my coaching. My part of University research seeks to understand how we acquire skilled steering and racing-line judgments on bicycles or in cars, I also teach in the area of Sport Psychology on topics such as optimal arousal and mental preparation for competition.
I am now based in Harrogate, N. Yorkshire

I have been involved with coaching cycling since 2004 when my daughter (pic) started progressing through the Talent Team and BC structure. As a result of that I know the Women's road and track racing scene well and specialize in preparing female riders for competition, or sportives, or just 'getting into cycling'. The manner in which many females respond to success or failure in sport is often different from males and that needs to be taken into account. I don't give female riders "an easier program", the capacity of females to push themselves and their diligence in training often outstrips the boys. Before I ever became involved with cycling I was a swimming coach and worked in Australia and the USA. That colours my approach to training and I work very much on specific energy systems and how to best tap into them, rather than a more traditional mileage/hours-based approach to cycling. I prefer using TrainingPeaks as a coaching tool and will advise on the use of the TSS, CTL, Form & Fatigue measures that it generates.

I'm a scientist and I take a scientific approach to coaching: acceleration requires power, generating power on a bike depends upon gearing and cadence and each of those place requirements on the rider in terms of strength and, depending on how long you need to sustain that power, on different energy systems. I like to use power testing, using power cranks, or a smart turbo, as benchmarks for what we need to address and the gains being made. Turbo based Zwift sessions or similar training tools are useful if you are selective on the choice of sessions and I can make recommendations on the use of Zwift/similar. For technical aspects I use "Coach's Eye" for slow-motion video analysis and measurement.

I'm a Psychologist, who works in areas that overlap with Sports Performance. That doesn't make me a "Sports Psychologist", but it does mean that I am very aware of what approaches are most effective in terms of mental preparation, imagery and managing motivation. To be honest there aren't any "magic mantras", its all pretty commonsense and logical, but different approaches work better for different personality profiles and that's the key to effective management of performance anxiety.

I only operate on a 1-to-1 basis, with individualised plans. I am not running a coaching business to generate income, so I set my fees depending upon riders needs and their available funding:
Junior (U18)/Youth (U16) riders I suggest a notional £25 p.m. fee donated to charity. For that a Youth/Junior rider gets equivalent to Level2 for Adults. The small cost is a token levy, as an incentive for you decide when you need my services and more importantly when you don't, otherwise I end up as a lifelong coach !
Senior Riders I offer 3 levels:
Level 1: Recreational or Cat 3-4 Riders: Program set to meet your competition goals, reviewed on a weekly basis.
Level 2: National Elite/Cat 1-2 Riders: Program set within a structured yearly plan to target major National or International Races, with full evaluation of performance metrics on a weekly basis and detailed training feedback on sessions.
Level 3: Pro-Road/Elite-Track, specification as for Level 2, but with detailed planning for National Selection or International Qualification through UCI ranking. I have considerable experience with optimising UCI rankings and the Track and Road race types, points structures & regulations. That is quite a time consuming exercise.
You are free to suspend your coaching arrangement for holidays, prolonged illness, so there is no annual commitment, and no 'set-up fee'.
Please use the contact form if you want to contact me or go to British Cycling 'find a coach' for my direct email contact to discuss Level 1-3 cost for riders over 18yrs.